Digital Transformation with 

Chemical Sensing Eyes

UCAM-SENS is a research unit that conducts fundamental and applied investigations on Chemical Sensing to address current and future societal challenges.

Located at UCAM HiTech, The Sports & Innovation Hub of UCAM, the unit is set in a unique environment to materialise research ideas into concrete business cases and partner with the industrial sector for sustainable research and innovation projects. 

Meet our facilities at UCAM HiTech, Sport & Health Innovation Hub


Maria Cuartero was recognised with the Laurel of the Murcia Region in Science and Research. 

This recognition recognises Maria´s career and her impact on the Murcia Region, bringing top science to the region with innovative and impactful solutions to overcome societal challenges in health, sport, and environment. 

UCAM-SENS and the Santa Lucia Hospital collaborate in the evaluation of a smart sensor to monitor critical patients at ICU within the EU Project IRHIS. 

UCAM-SENS will develop a biosensor for real-time monitoring of relevant biomarkers in ICU patients at risk of developing sepsis. This project aims to bring descentralized solutions into healthcare systems in favour of patient outcomes and to offer personalised medicine through digitalisation and smart sensing. 

The prestigious journal ‘Analytical Chemistry’ has featured on its cover one of their investigations in which they have generated the first low-cost potentiometric sensors using 3D printing.

The prestigious journal ‘Analytical Chemistry’ has featured on its cover one of their investigations in which they have generated the first low-cost potentiometric sensors using 3D printing.

Dr. Maria Cuartero and Dr. Gaston Crespo have been recognised by the prestigious 'Ranking of the World Scientist' of Stanford University, which recognises the 2% of the most influential scientists in the world in their respective areas of knowledge. 

The Researchers from the UCAM SENS, Sensor Chemistry Unit, have published an article in the journal 'ACS Sensors about a new sensor designed a microneedle-based sensor capable of measuring in real-time the concentrations of two of the most important ions in plant physiology, potassium and sodium, in living plants, without causing damage. This device represents a crucial advance in plant health monitoring, allowing for continuous and real-time data to be obtained on the levels of these ions, essential for the correct development and growth of plants.

UCAM-SENS participate in the Eurpean Project IRHIS

IRHIS, with more than 8 million euros, is the European project with the largest budget of all those that the Catholic University of Murcia has been a part of so far. 

UCAM-SENS will develop chemical sensors to maximise the monitoring of patients in the ICU using this non-invasive technology. 

The non-invasive technology will detect biomarkers in sweat in ICU patients. In addition, the device will be integrating the device with other devices already available in European companies to maximize patient monitoring. 

The Researchers from the UCAM SENS, Sensor Chemistry Unit, have published an article in the journal 'ACS Sensors about a new sensor capable of measuring lactate, a compound generated in the body when there is an insufficient supply of oxygen. The device will help monitor anaesthesia processes and the patient's condition in diseases such as sepsis.

Dr Diego Pallarola visited UCAM-SENS

Diego Pallarola, Reseacher at the Nanosystem Institute at University of San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina, was invited to give the 3rd Scientific Seminar of this year organized by UCAM-SENS. He presented his work in Electrochemical Sensing for Cell Adheshion Studies. 

UCAM-SENS, in collaboration with the Foundation Estrella de Levante, presents its projects to the SMARTLAGOON Consortium

Dr Isabel M. Díaz Lozano, UCAM-SENS Project Manager, and the UCAM-SENS PhD Candidate, Virginia López, were invited by SMARTLAGOON, the Horizon Europe project to study social-economic impact on the Menor Lagoon at Murcia Region, to present their advances in real-time and in situ monitoring of water reservoirs through smart chemical sensors, where the Foundation Estrella de Levante acts as funding body of the project. 

Prof. Laura Lechuga visited UCAM-SENS 

Laura Lechuga, Researcher at Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Barcelona was invited to give a scientific seminar, the second organized by UCAM-SENS about optic biosensors and their applications in point-of-care. 

The Head of UCAM-SENS has been chosen as one of the four best young research group leaders of Spain. 

Prof. Escarpa visited UCAM-SENS in UCAM HiTech

Alberto Escarpa, Professor of Analytical Chemistry from the University of Alcalá visited the UCAM-SENS facilities.

He gave a motivating speech about his research career and had scientific discussions with the members of the unit.

Core-shell nanoparticles to deliver charged species

Ion-selective core–shell nanoparticles were used for the delivery of cations. The mechanism was studied and the findings were published in Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed (IF:16.6).

This work may pave the way for new drug delivery nanoplatforms.

UCAM-SENS, "Sweating data to break records"

UCAM-SENS protagonize this article in Marca where they analyze the work led by Maria Cuartero and Gaston Crespo to develop a device that measures lactate levels in sweat in real time.

UCAM-SENS developed a sensor for CO2 monitoring

A new microneedle-based epidermal sensor allows for the real-time monitoring of CO2 by measuring pH and CO32– concentrations directly into the interstitial fluid (ISF) for the first time.

UCAM-SENS in the "28th Edition of the Science and Technology Week" in Murcia, organized by Seneca Foundation

The group showed its advances in chemical sensors to young students, bringing the lab experiments to the stand.

VII National Congress of Entrepreneurs Scientists with the participation of Maria Cuartero, Head of UCAM-SENS

Maria is an example of how scientists can transfer their knowledge and become an entrepreneur with the foundation of the Start-up IDRO BV. 

VII National Congress of Entrepreneurs Scientists with the participation of Maria Cuartero, Head of UCAM-SENS

The Unit of Chemical Sensing has collaborated in developing a biosensor for COVID-19 detection. 

Juan Carlos Izpisúa, Professor in Developmental Biology, meets UCAM-SENS in UCAM HiTech, together with the UCAM Vice-chancellor of Research

Prof. Izpisúa showed a great interest in the sensors that UCAM-SENS is currently working on. 

We are hiring!

We look for talented researchers from any part of the world.  We offer an exciting career plan inside/outside of academia at Master´s, PhD, postdoctoral and senior levels.  If you are interested in UCAM-SENS, please send your CV to Isabel Diaz.


UCAM-SENS is focused on the development of innovative sensing concepts to transform health, food and environmental domains. 

The UCAM-SENS  unit is led by Maria Cuartero and Gaston Crespo, who after building a scientific career abroad (Switzerland & Sweden), have set this unique research and educational environment at the UCAM.


Personalised education at Master's and PhD levels in chemical digitalization with sub-branches such as (bio)electrochemistry, analytical chemistry, nano-chemistry, imagining, and microfluidics.


The synergy of fundamental and applied investigations with remarkable significance, quality, and high impact, results in tangible outcomes that solve current and future societal challenges.


Materialise research ideas into concrete business cases, advance the technological readiness accompanied with alternatives to reach end-users aiming at improving the citizens’ lives, our environment, and our surroundings.


Use of our scientific knowledge to produce sustainable research, development, and innovation projects (R+D+I) in cooperation with the industrial sector toward a mutual benefit.




Visit us at @UCAM_SENS