


Maria Cuartero, UCAM-SENS Head, Agueda Molinero (Cluster leader) and Nuria Fernández (PhD) at the Science Week in Murcia. 

UCAM carries out more than 40 activities involving almost 200 volunteers, spread over 11 stands to bring Science to students from all different levels. 


Other recognition of UCAM-SENS work and passion for chemical sensors.  This innovation is meant to revolutionise the do sports and improve their benefits. 


Maria Cuartero and Gastón Crespo, directors of UCAM-SENS. 

The research unit of Chemical Sensors of UCAM has collaborated in the development and validation of a biosensor capable of measuring the level of viral load using a mobile phone, in a fast, simple and economical way.


Prof. Juan Carlos Izpisúa together with  Estrella Núñez, the UCAM Vice-Chancellor of Research and Dr Daniel Rojas and Dr Xue Hui, postdoctoral researchers at UCAM-SENS. 

Prof. Izpisúa showed a great interest in the sensors that UCAM-SENS is currently working on. 


María Cuertero and Gastón Crespo, with the sponsor of UCAM-SENS, Javier Martínes García, President of IUPAC and the Young Academy of Spain.  

Javier García Martínez, scientist and founder of Academia Joven de España, has been recognized with this title for the first time during the Anual Science Conferences of UCAM taking place at  UCAM HiTech. 


Alexander Wiorek, PhD student at UCAM-SENS, shows the sensor at the UCAM-SENS facility in UCAM HiTech, Sport & Health Innovation Hub, developed to measure soluble phosphate in seawater. 

The researchers Maria Cuartero and Gaston Crespo, head of UCAM-SENS, published their latest innovation in chemical sensors applied in Environmental scenarios, as the first sensors in this address. 


Maria Cuartero, Head of UCAM-SENS. 

Maria Cuarero looks at her job in chemical sensors to reach society and help to improve it.  After  15 years working in Switzerland and Sweden, the scientist has come back home to bring to the Region the first Chemical Sensor Unit and level up to the European standard. 


Maria Cuartero, Head of UCAM-SENS. 

Maria Cuartero, World´s Best Young Investigator in Sensor Chemistry 2022.

The UCAM´s Scientist has been awarded this recognition every year by the prestigious International Journal Chemosensors. 


María Cuartero and Gastón Crespo, cofounders of UCAM-SENS, working with its international team at the UCAM HiTech laboratory facility.

ACS Sensors, one of the best journals in the world specialising in Analytical Chemistry and Sensors, features the research of Maria Cuartero and Gaston Crespo on its cover. They are shown together with their talented team at UCAM HiTech,  the creation of a wireless patch that transmits permanent information on pH and a total of six ions present in the interstitial fluid.


Maria Cuartero in the center of the picture

The Seneca Foundation celebrates the Woman and Child in Science with a talk given by Maria Cuarter and the young Valeria Corrales. 


UCAM-SENS's works in "In Vivo Transdermal pH Sensor" are selected as the Cover by the Journal of Analytical Chemistry, ACS. 


Maria Cuartero, new Associated Editor of Analytical Chemistry Journal. 


The UCAM researcher, María Cuartero, in one of the UCAM HiTech laboratories.

The UCAM researcher has also been appointed editor of the prestigious scientific journal Analytical Chemistry, of the American Chemical Society. Furthermore, the Analyst Journal awarded her with the Analyst Emerging Investigator Lectureship Award. 


Maria Cuartero and Gaston Crespo at the Sports Science Conferences of UCAM. 

The "Sciences Applied to Tennis" conference, organised by the UCAM Chair of Sports Traumatology, brought together leading experts from numerous fields at the Los Jerónimos Campus. 


Gaston A. Crespo and Maria Cuartero, Heads of UCAM-SENS, the chemical sensing unit at UCAM. 

Recipients of the prestigious international awards and projects as a result of their scientific work carried out at The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Sweden, Maria Cuartero and Gaston Crespo will co-lead UCAM-SENS, the first Unit of Chemical Sensor in Europe, founded by the President of UCAM at UCAM HiTech. 
